
    Crystals We Carry at The Artful Hand Store



     1. Clear Quartz
    ‘The Master Healer’ ~ Universal ~ Intuitive ~ Balance

    • Healing: amplifies, absorbs, releases, & regulates energy, aids in manifesting, cleanses chakras & stagnant energy
    • Color: Colorless
    • Chakra: All, especially Crown 
    • Zodiac: All
    • Affirmation: I have the power to manifest all my dreams & desires.

    2. Rose Quartz
    Unconditional Love ~ Self love ~ Caring ~ Trust 

    • Healing: encourages the giving and receiving of unconditional love, allows love to flow freely without fear, instills calmness, inner peace & balances emotions
    • Color: Variations of Pink, from a Pale to a Deep Pink, usually translucent
    • Chakra: Heart, Crown, All
    • Zodiac: Taurus, & Libra
    • Affirmation: My heart is open to giving and receiving love from others.

     3. Strawberry Quartz
    Gratitude ~ Universal Love ~ Harmony

    • Healing: comforts & soothes, strengthens crown & heart chakras, amplifies love & gratitude, encourages living joyfully, balances connections with physical body & aura
    • Color: Pink
    • Chakra: Heart & Crown
    • Zodiac: Libra
    • Affirmation: I am understanding.

    4. Smoky Quartz
    Grounding ~ Protective ~ Strength

    • Healing: dissolves difficult or negative energies, transmutes negative vibrations & offers protection, disperses fear, instills emotional calm, positivity, relieves stress
    • Color: Light Brown to Black, Gold
    • Chakra: Root
    • Zodiac: Capricorn, Scorpio & All
    • Affirmation: My spirit is grounded deep in the earth.

     5. Aura Quartz (apple, aqua, champagne, cobalt, flame, opal, rainbow, rose, ruby, sunshine, tangerine, tanzine)
    Uplifting Energy ~ Emotional Healing ~ Expansion

    • Healing: Balances and heals mind, body and spirit, provides clarity and patience, expands consciousness, instills joy, removes self-doubt
    • Color: Iridescent - can be Blue, Pink, Purple, White, Orange etc
    • Chakra: Throat & 3rd Eye
    • Zodiac: Aquarius
    • Affirmation: I am connected deeply to my angels by being embodied as my highest self while radiating peace, joy, beauty, & light.

     6. Angel Aura Quartz 
    Serenity ~ Joy ~ Light ~ Beauty 

    • Healing: awakens psychic abilities, balances chakras & aura, mental clarity
    • Color: Bright Rainbow Colored Quartz that exhibits brilliant, dazzling flashes of iridescent Rainbow Colors on Silvery Surfaces
    • Chakra: Heart, Throat, Crown
    • Zodiac: Aries & Aquarius
    • Affirmation: I let go of any negative energy.


     7. Phantom Quartz 
    Learn from the Past ~ Healing ~ Angelic Realms

    • Healing: heals anger, resentment, confusion, fear, removes emotional blocks, & replaces it with love & emotional support, encourages balance, growth & insight
    • Color: a variety of Quartz Crystal with natural phantom crystal shapes in interior
    • Chakra: Crown, All 
    • Zodiac: All
    • Affirmation: It is safe for me to enjoy my life now. I feel deeply rooted & I belong.

    8. Amethyst
    All Healer’ ~ Protection ~ Cleansing ~ Intuition

    • Healing: balances emotions (negativity, anxiety, fear), aids spirituality & grounds, relieves anxiety, aids in restful sleep
    • Color: Purple
    • Chakra: Crown & 3rd Eye 
    • Zodiac: Pisces, Aquarius & All
    • Affirmation: I am calm, peaceful & relaxed in my mind, body & soul


     9. Ametrine
    Protection ~ Healing ~ Strength

    • Healing: invokes personal strength, increases wisdom, protects against negativity & removes blocks, increases motivation & aids in overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors
    • Color: Purple & Yellow
    • Chakra: Solar Plexus, Crown & 3rd Eye
    • Zodiac: Libra
    • Affirmation: I have the strength to eliminate all behaviors that do not serve me.

    10. Citrine
    Light ~ Happiness ~ Abundance

    • Healing: self-confidence, good luck, welcomes in wealth, activates creativity & motivation, inspires joy & wonder
    • Color: Light to Dark Yellow, Gold, Brown
    • Chakra: Solar Plexus
    • Zodiac: Gemini, Leo
    • Affirmation: I will not stop until I’ve created the life I want.

    11. BlackTourmaline
    Psychic Shield ~ Grounding ~ Protecting ~ Realigning

    • Healing: grounding stone, cleanses aura, protects against negativity, helps release anger
    • Color: Black, other varieties of Blue, Brown, Pink, Green
    • Chakra: Root
    • Zodiac: All
    • Affirmation: I move through life knowing I am safe, secure, & protected.

    12. Green Aventurine
    ‘The Manifester Stone’ ~ Balance ~ Tranquility ~ Stability

    • Healing: comforter, heart healer, dissolves negative emotions, instills well-being & calms emotions, promotes spiritual growth
    • Color: Green 
    • Chakra: Heart
    • Zodiac: Libra, Aries
    • Affirmation: I welcome wealth & abundance into my life by consciously creating space for thoughts of prosperity.

    13. Blue Aventurine
    Awareness ~ Empathy ~ Communication

    • Healing: fosters psychic awareness, opens you up to growth, releases stagnant energy
    • Color: Blue
    • Chakra: Throat & 3rd Eye
    • Zodiac: Aries
    • Affirmation: The past has no power over me.

    14. Orange Aventurine
    Manifest ~ Creativity ~ Goodluck

    • Healing: helps overcome challenges, manifests new possibilities, encourages perseverance, amplifies determination, & enhances vitality
    • Color: Orange
    • Chakra: Sacral & Heart
    • Zodiac: Taurus
    • Affirmation: I am confident and filled with vitality.

    15. Aquamarine
    Protective ~ Communication ~ Calming

    • Healing: calms, soothes & cleanses, inspires truth, trust, & letting go
    • Color: Blue Green
    • Chakra: Heart, 3rd Eye & Throat
    • Zodiac: Gemini, Aries & Pisces
    • Affirmation: My heart & my mind are in harmony.

    16. Labradorite
    ‘Stone of Transformation’ ~ Openness ~ Flexibility ~ Protection

    • Healing: a spiritual stone, helps regain energy while aiding body & spirit in healing itself, aids transitions, powerful protection stone, good for people who tend to overwork
    • Color: Flashes of Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, Orange in Gray matrix
    • Chakra: Throat & 3rd Eye
    • Zodiac: Sagittarius, Leo & Scorpio
    • Affirmation: I trust my intuition. I know I am surrounded with the love & protection of my spirit guides.

    Self-Confidence ~ Change ~ Wealth

    • Healing: improves all communication, removes energy blockages of chakras & meridians, aids transitions, manifestation of wealth & interpersonal skills
    • Color: Milky White with Rainbow Hues
    • Chakra: Heart
    • Zodiac: All
    • Affirmation: I am grateful for everything I receive in life.

    18. Selenite
    ‘The Emotional Cleanser’ ~ Expansion ~ Release ~ Cooling 

    • Healing: cleanses & purifies, clears negative energy, cleanses & charges crystals, self cleansing, ideal for meditation & spiritual work
    • Color: Clear, White or Peach
    • Chakra: Crown & 3rd Eye
    • Zodiac: All
    • Affirmation: I am at one with myself, the Earth & the universe.

    19. Sodalite
    ‘The Meditator’s Stone’ ~ Contact ~ Peace

    • Healing: brings order & calmness to the mind, emotional balance, calms panic attacks, enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance & self-trust
    • Color: Dark to Light Blue
    • Chakra: Throat & 3rd Eye
    • Zodiac: Virgo & Sagittarius
    • Affirmation: I speak my truth confidently & I choose my words with clarity and confidence.

    20. Fluorite
    Memory ~ Focus ~ Healing

    • Healing: neutralizes negative energy & stress, increases concentration & self-confidence, balances energy, improves coordination physically & mentally
    • Color: Green, Purple, sometimes Blue, Yellow, Pink & Clear
    • Chakra: Heart
    • Zodiac: Capricorn & Pisces
    • Affirmation: My mind is clear & I am ready.

    21. Amazonite
    Truth ~ Harmony ~ Peace

    • Healing: soothing effect on the nervous system, associated with throat & heart chakras, balances feminine & masculine energies, enhances intuition 
    • Color: Light to dark Opaque Green
    • Chakra: Heart
    • Zodiac: Virgo
    • Affirmation: I speak my heart’s truth for the highest good of all

    Purification ~ Protection ~ Transformation

    • Healing: rare stone that shields against EMF exposure, reduces inflammation & oxidative stress, purifies negative energies & transmutes them into positive, relieves emotional stress & balances emotions
    • Color: Black
    • Chakra: Root
    • Zodiac: All
    • Affirmation: I am healed, energized & protected.

    23. Howlite
    Calm ~ Awareness ~ Patience

    • Healing: calming stone, reduces stress & anger, including anger directed toward the wearer, absorbs negative energy, reduces insomnia as it relieves an overactive mind
    • Color: White with Gray Veins (resembles marble)
    • Chakra: 3rd Eye & Crown
    • Zodiac: All
    • Affirmation: I allow myself to experience a deep & peaceful sleep.

    24. Moissanite (Silicon Carbide, Carborundum)
    ‘Purify Mind, Body & Spirit’ ~ Luck ~ Potential

    • Healing: provides composure & strengthens the inner self, removes darkness from the inner self, & fills a natural spiritual awakening in the life of the wearer
    • Color: Black Rainbow
    • Chakra: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown
    • Zodiac: Aquarius
    • Affirmation: I am easily able to set boundaries. I clear out what isn’t for my highest good. I embrace the lessons learned from experiences that are perceived as undesirable. 

    25. Malachite
    Protection ~ Leadership ~ Confidence

    • Healing: absorbs negative energies & pollutants, clears & activates the chakras & attunes us to spiritual guidance, opens the heart to unconditional love, boosts health
    • Color: Green Banded, Rosettes
    • Chakra: Heart
    • Zodiac: Scorpio, Capricorn, Saggitarius & Taurus
    • Affirmation: I move forward with the knowledge that I am safe & protected.

     26. Kyanite
    Communication ~ High Vibration ~ Dreaming

    • Healing: aligns chakras, balances yin-yang energy, dispels blockages, brings tranquility, encourages psychic abilities & communication on all levels
    • Color: Blue, Black, Green Orange Gray
    • Chakra: Heart & Throat
    • Zodiac: All
    • Affirmation: I easily receive all forms of communication that are for the highest good.

    27. Apatite
    Motivation ~ Dynamic ~ Assurance

    • Healing: expands knowledge & truth, eases sorrow, apathy & anger, improves arthritis & joint problems
    • Color: Blue & Green
    • Chakra: Throat
    • Zodiac: Gemini
    • Affirmation: I am open to inspiration.

    28. Hematite
    Grounding ~ Protection ~ Clarity

    • Healing: grounds & protects against negativity, endows us with courage, strength, endurance & vitality
    • Color: Black, SIlver, Gray & Blood Red
    • Chakra: Root
    • Zodiac: All
    • Affirmation: I am grounded & connected to the Earth.

    Awareness ~ Transition ~ Balance

    • Healing: deep emotional healing, soothes & reduces stress & depression, promotes change, aids in transitions, brings peace & tranquility in stressful times, sleep aid
    • Color: Purple, sometimes with Quartz, Mica, Rubellite inclusions
    • Chakra: Throat, Heart, Crown & 3rd Eye 
    • Zodiac: Libra, All
    • Affirmation: I am the embodiment of grace & beauty meeting all of life’s challenges with my highest integrity.

     30. Tiger’s Eye
    Strength ~ Courage ~ Practicality ~ Sociability

    • Healing: brings good luck, has the power to focus the mind, provides mental clarity & confidence to fulfill goals, dispels fear & anxiety, protection & grounding stone
    • Color: Chatoyant stripes of Gold, brown, Black, sometimes Red
    • Chakra: Solar Plexus
    • Zodiac: Taurus, Gemini
    • Affirmation: I am motivated by divine purpose & I manifest my vision with ease. 

    31. Moonstone
    ‘Stone of Hope’ ~ New Beginnings ~ Release ~ Empathy

    • Healing: inspires inner growth & strength, soothes emotional instability & stress, stabilizes emotions, provides calmness, enhances intuition, success & good fortune in love & business matters, represents new beginnings
    • Color: Blue Flash Chatoyant, variations of Black, White, Gray, Peach 
    • Chakra: 3rd Eye, Crown
    • Zodiac: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
    • Affirmation: I tune into my tenderness and nurturing energy. I’m open to the influence of my intuition & am guided by my higher self.

    Grounding Shield ~ Protection ~ Purification

    • Healing: strong protective stone, blocks psychic attacks, stimulates growth, absorbs negative energy & transmutes it into positive
    • Color: Black
    • Chakra: Root
    • Zodiac: Scorpio & All
    • Affirmation: I am protected & I release negativity.

    33. Snowflake Obsidian
    Detoxify ~ Heal ~ Focus ~ Ground

    • Healing: purifies & grounds body, soul & aura, black & white of snowflakes represent balancing of dark & light, bringer of balance between two opposing sides, enhances psychic abilities
    • Color: Black & White
    • Chakra: Base, Third eye
    • Zodiac:Virgo, Capricorn
    • Affirmation:I am in touch with my own reality at this very moment, & I understand exactly what I need to do on my path ahead.

    34. Agate
    Cleanse ~ Stability ~ Strength ~ Safety

    • Healing: enhances mental function, soothes & calms, heals inner anger & anxiety, strengthens relationships, instills security & safety, transforms negative to positive
    • Color: Wide range of Colors - Brown, White, Red, Gray, Pink, Black, & Yellow
    • Chakra: Solar Plexus
    • Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo, Liba
    • Affirmation: I accept life challenges with courage & determination.

     35.Moss Agate
    Tranquility ~ Emotional Balance ~ Optimism ~ Opening

    • Healing: encourages a sense of tranquility & emotional balance, extremely helpful to those experiencing a strong sense of overwhelming emotions
    • Color: Clear or Milky White, with Green dendritic inclusions that resemble moss
    • Chakra: Heart Chakra
    • Zodiac: Gemini
    • Affirmation:I am on a path of gradual growth, I am divinely guided on my journey of life, I am abundant in love, health, & wealth. 

    36. Bamboo Agate
    Enhance Mental Function ~ Growth ~ Stress Relief

    • Healing: facilitates growth, encourages embracing positive energy in life, opens new doors, balances yin-yang, increases courage, strength, & reduces stress 
    • Color: Deep Red to Pale Pink hues combined with Golden & Cream colors
    • Chakra: Root, Sacral, Crown 
    • Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini
    • Affirmation: I am loved. I am grateful.

    37. Flower Agate
    Stone of Personal Growth ~ Inspiration ~ Peace ~ Empathy

    • Healing: inspiring, instills peace, & empathy, protects from fear & self-doubt, encourages pursuit of dreams & living life to fullest & highest potential
    • Color: Light Pink color with White “Flower” inclusions
    • Chakra: Heart & Root
    • Zodiac: Virgo
    • Affirmation: Iam worthy of the purest love. I am fully open to giving & receiving love. I am safe and grounded.

    38. Blue Lace Agate
    Nurture ~ Gently Cooling ~ Comfort ~ Emotional Healing

    • Healing: nurtures & supports balance & stability, brings tranquility & neutralizes anger & blockages, helps with feelings of loneliness, desperation & anxiety
    • Color: Pale Blue, usually banded with Brighter Blue, White or Brown 
    • Chakra: Throat
    • Zodiac: Gemini & Pisces 
    • Affirmation: I gently speak my truth & release all fears around judgment.

    39. Emerald
    Inspiration ~ Balance ~ Wisdom ~ Patience

    • Healing: symbol of rebirth, represents good fortune, compassion, balance, growth, peace, & foresight, soothing energy that generates vitality & clarity
    • Color: Green, secondary hue ranges from Blue-Green to Yellow-Green 
    • Chakra: Heart
    • Zodiac: Cancer
    • Affirmation: I am grateful for my prosperity.

    40. Peridot
    Protection ~ Cleanse ~ Freshen ~ Invigorate

    • Healing: stone of compassion, brings good health, restful sleep & peace to relationships, protection against difficulty & negativity
    • Color: Yellowy Green 
    • Chakra: Heart
    • Zodiac: Virgo, Libra, all
    • Affirmation: I am abundant in all areas of my life.


    41. Carnelian
    Vitality ~ Motivate ~ Create ~ Repair

    • Healing: restores vitality & motivation, stimulates creativity, boosts fertility & sexuality, releases stress & trauma
    • Color: Clear to Translucent Red Brown, may vary from Pale Orange to Pink, or Gray to almost Black  
    • Chakra: Sacral
    • Zodiac: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo
    • Affirmation: I am confident in my abilities.

    42. Sunstone
    Warmth ~ Self-worth ~ Happiness

    • Healing: brings luck & good fortune, clears & energizes all chakras, dissipates fears clears & energizes chakras
    • Color: Gray, Yellow
    • Chakra: Sacral, Solar plexus
    • Zodiac: Leo, Libra
    • Affirmation: I reflect benevolence & joy.

    Ambition ~ Uplifting ~ Vitality

    • Healing: grounds, inspires creativity, stone of ambition, assists in attaining goals, reduces tension & encourages a positive attitude
    • Color: Blue, Gold w/ Sparkles
    • Chakra: Throat, Sacral
    • Zodiac: Sagittarius
    • Affirmation: I am energetic & vibrant.

    44. Lava Stone
    Emotional Tranquility ~ Calmness ~ Relaxation

    • Healing: grounds, alleviates anxiety, promotes emotional tranquility with calmness & relaxation, strengthens connection to Mother Earth, gives strength, courage & stability through change
    • Color: Black
    • Chakra: Root
    • Zodiac: Taurus, Cancer
    • Affirmation: I am enough.

    45. Turquoise
    Wisdom ~ Tranquility ~ Hope 

    • Healing:  represents purification, wisdom, tranquility, protection, good fortune, hope, protection & enduring love, releases us from bad habits & negative energy
    • Color: Light Blue, Turquoise
    • Chakra: Heart, Throat, Third Eye
    • Zodiac: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces
    • Affirmation: All is good, right here right now.

     46.Red Jasper
    Supreme Nurturer ~ Balance ~ Endurance ~ Nurturing

    • Healing: grounding stone, increases emotional stamina, self-confidence, self-trust, emotional protection, courage, balance, calm & relaxation
    • Color: Red
    • Chakra: Root
    • Zodiac: Leo, Virgo, Scorpio
    • Affirmation: I accept my path.

    47. Yellow Jasper
    Protection ~ Spiritual Work ~ Alignment

    • Healing: calms nerves & emotions, protects & absorbs negative energies, balances & aligns the physical, mental & emotional bodies
    • Color: Yellow
    • Chakra: Solar Plexus
    • Zodiac: Gemini, Taurus
    • Affirmation: I radiate happiness & positive energy.

    48. Zebra Jasper
    Physical Endurance ~ Motivation ~ Stimulating

    • Healing: instills contentment, motivates, lifts mood & energy, calms
    • Color: Black and White
    • Chakra: Root
    • Zodiac: Gemini, Taurus
    • Affirmation:  Day by day, I will meet & overcome all obstacles in my path & achieve all my goals.

    49. Lapis Lazuli
    Open Mind ~ Enlightenment

    • Healing:  provides protection & shields the wearer from negative influences, associated with courage, royalty, wisdom, intellect & truth
    • Color: Deep Blue with small amounts of White Calcite & Pyrite 
    • Chakra: 3rd Eye, Throat
    • Zodiac:  Capricorn, Sagittarius, Taurus, & Libra
    • Affirmation: I claim the power of my highest self.

    50. Pyrite
    Increases Strength, Energy, Willpower, & Confidence

    • Healing: crystal of luck & fortune, promotes physical well being & radiates optimistic & cheerful energy
    • Color: Similar to Gold, Brass-Yellow
    • Chakra: Solar Plexus
    • Zodiac: Leo
    • Affirmation: I am assertive, persistent, and ambitious. I am balanced and harmonious. 

    Increases Courage, Motivation, & Creative Energy

    • Healing: revitalizes mental energy, instills true courage, promotes forward motion, offers grounding energy, supportive during adversity, combats negative energies, & sparks a spirit of adventure
    • Color: Dark Green Jasper with spots or larger areas of Red, iron oxide inclusions
    • Chakra: Root & Heart
    • Zodiac: Aries, Libra, Pisces
    • Affirmation: I am guided by my inner strength.

    52. Titanium Quartz
    Energy for Day-To-Day Life ~ Strength ~ Relaxation

    • Healing: projects strength, elevated mental activity, & fortitude, energizes chakra system, centers & grounds
    • Color: Metallic, Rainbow Color
    • Chakra: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, 3rd Eye, Crown
    • Zodiac: All
    • Affirmation: I clear my aura of all negativity.


    53. Peacock Ore
    Turns You in Positive Directions & Helps Channel Happiness

    • Healing: stone of happiness and joy
    • Color: Copper Red, Bronze Brown, Purple
    • Chakra:  Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, 3rd Eye, Crown
    • Zodiac: Capricorn, Taurus, Sagittarius
    • Affirmation: I am filled with loving compassion for myself & others. I am filled with the infinite healing energies of the universe.

     54. Larimar
    Enlightens & Heals in Physical, Emotional, Mental, & Spiritual Ways.

    • Healing: enlightens & heals in a physical, emotional, mental & spiritual way, facilitates inner wisdom & outer manifestation
    • Color: Blue, Blue-Green, Purple, Turquoise, as well as Colorless
    • Chakra: Throat
    • Zodiac: Leo, Pisces
    • Affirmation: I am calm & embrace change.


    55. Chalcedony
    Promotes Brother-&-Sister-hood & Goodwill

    • Healing: promotes brotherhood and goodwill, instills feelings of benevolence & generosity 
    • Color: Translucent to Opaque in shades of Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Gray, Orange, Pink, Red, White, Yellow
    • Chakra: Throat, Sacral 
    • Zodiac: Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius
    • Affirmation: I am calm & at peace within myself. I embrace the oneness of all life, & my peaceful attitude prometes goodwill for all.

    56. Onyx
    Imports Self–Confidence, Helps Put You at Ease with Your Surroundings.

    • Healing: shields from negative energy, amplifies intentions, encourages clear thinking, promotes divine order, assists with grounding
    • Color: Black with White bands
    • Chakra: Root and 3rd Eye
    • Zodiac: Leo
    • Affirmation: I release all negative thoughts and emotions in this present moment.



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